Data publikacji w serwisie:

Konkurs na stanowisko student-stypendysta w projekcie Sonata


Nazwa jednostki: Institute of Human Biology and Evolution, Adam Mickiewicz University – Poznań,

Nazwa stanowiska: Master Student Scholarship (2 stanowiska)

1. Enrollment in an active master's program at Adam Mickiewicz University in the biotechnology,
biology, or molecular biology
2. A theoretical understanding of molecular biology methods combined with hands-on laboratory
3. It will be beneficial to have actual expertise with mammalian cell culture
4. Research potential and motivation in the field
5. The capacity for both individual and group work, as well as for creativity and innovation
6. Possessing strong written and oral English communication skills

Opis zadań:
Application of molecular techniques to decipher the role of m6A modification in selected lncRNAs

Typ konkursu NCN: SONATA – NZ

Termin składania ofert: 31 października 2024

Forma składania ofert: dowolnie

Warunki zatrudnienia:
1. The place of work: Institute of Human Biology and Evolution, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz
2. Scholarship: 1500 PLN.
3. Beginning of the project: October 2024.

Dodatkowe informacje:
* Cover letter explaining your interest in the project and the relevance of your background and
experience to the position.
* CV with a full summary of your education and experience (list of publications, internships,
workshops, conferences, obtained awards, etc.)
Please include a candidate statement at the bottom of your CV to allow us to process your data: “I
hereby give consent for my personal data included in the job offer to be processed for the purposed
of recruitment under the Data Protection Act 1997 (Dz. U. 2002 no. 101, item 926 with subs.
Changes).” / “Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie danych osobowych w celach rekrutacji zgodnie z
ustawą z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. o ochronie danych osobowych (tekst jedn.: Dz. U. z 2002 r. Nr 101,
poz 926 z późn. zm.).”

Applications and any questions should be emailed to Elzbieta Wanowska, PhD,